About Us
Hi everyone,
I'm Brian, the owner and artist behind Lower Woodland Studio. My home studio is located in the Twin Cities, where I spend my days creating and painting subject matter for those young at heart.

How I got started
People often ask me when I started drawing, and how it led to illustrating. Well, as a kid, you could find me lost in a sketchbook for hours drawing intricate mazes, castles, and creatures. I continued with that love of drawing through early adulthood which eventually led to architecture classes and a master's degree. I loved to draw buildings and be creative, but found that the day to day work life as an architect left me feeling creatively unfulfilled. Around the time I started to lose interest in continuing my career in architecture, I met my wonderful wife. I would often draw her little drawings of animals and little creatures, leaving them in her purse for a surprise to find during the day. She loved them and encouraged me to start drawing more of what I loved and turn it into a full time endeavor.
Since starting my artwork career in 2015, I have had the wonderfully fulfilling opportunity spending my days creating illustrations that bring joy, laughter, and whimsy to my supporters. The fact that my illustrations are in people's homes bringing them happiness is more rewarding than I thought possible.
Thanks for visiting my site, and I hope you enjoy!
All current work is done with oil paints on linen canvas panels. I use my digital painting experience to setup the painting layout and color palette.
The Dynamic Duo
Brian Schmidt
Sara Galm